Study and career choices
The Basel Student Advice Center provides information and support for your individual study and career choices and/or for topics such as planning your studies, choosing a master’s program, study issues (e.g. studying and work techniques or decision conflicts), starting your career, and continuing education.
Are you grappling with questions such as...
- Yes, I want to start my studies! But what, where and how?
- Which course of studies would suit me?
- What are my skills and interests, and what is important to me?
- How can I make a decision?
- Should I take a gap year?
- What professional prospects does my chosen course of studies give me?
- Where can I find information?
- What combination of subjects should I choose?
- How does “studying” even work?
- How can I prepare myself for the admission restrictions in medicine?
- How much math do I need for my studies?
- What university should I attend?
- Which master’s program should I choose?
- I’m pursuing the wrong course of studies – what happens next?
- Does it make sense to do an internship?
- What are the career opportunities like?
- Should I do a doctorate or head straight into the world of work?
.... then make an appointment with us for a one-to-one advice session.
The advice and information encompass degree programs across Switzerland.
This service is intended for students from the high schools of the canton Basel-Stadt and those living in Basel-Stadt. Similarly, we welcome people specifically interested in studying at the University of Basel. The number of sessions, and their duration, will be agreed with you personally.

Mo-Do von 10.00-12.00
Mo-Fr von 14.00-17.00
T +41 61 207 29 29
oder persönlich bei uns vor Ort:
Studienberatung Basel
Steinengraben 5
CH-4051 Basel
► Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine Terminvergabe per Email nicht möglich ist. Für einen Beratungstermin melden Sie sich bitte telefonisch oder vor Ort an, vielen Dank.